Alameda County School District Food Policy: Food served by Berkeley Unified School District to be nutritious, locally grown, and when possible, organic.
Contra Costa Vending Machine Policy: Requires that 50% food and beverages sold in vending machines in County owned or operated facilities meet specific nutrition standards.
Menu Labeling Ordinance: Requires all chain restaurants in unincorporated Santa Clara County to display nutrition information, including calorie content, on menu and menu boards.
Sit-Down Restaurants/ Grocery Stores/ South Los Angeles: Commissions a report on possible financial and planning incentives the city could provide in order to attract more grocery stores and sit-down restaurants to underserved areas of the city.
Worksite Wellness Nutrition Policy: Establishes healthy food and beverage purchase guidelines for county-funded meetings, trainings and events and ensures that healthy options are available for purchase at county facilities.